Photographing this proposal was one of the most exciting moments I’ve ever had as a photographer because the sweet girl getting proposed to is one of my very best friends. I met Macy after I replied to a Facebook post in an Atlanta wedding photographer group, and she was looking for a second shooter. When I met her for the first time, I never would have imagined that we would grow so close over the next couple of years, and having a friend who works in the same industry and understands the ups and downs of this wonderful job is something I’ve never taken for granted.
Macy and Connor have been together for six years, and this proposal was a long time coming to say the least! Since the beginning of my friendship with Macy, she always talked about her dream proposal and how much she couldn’t wait to be engaged to Connor. After three years of knowing her, Connor finally let me know that a plan for a proposal was in the works, and I seriously couldn’t contain my excitement. I made it clear (probably annoyingly so) that I so badly wanted to be the one to capture this moment for them, and I was thrilled when he told me that I would get to photograph the proposal! We talked about the ring, the location, and so many other little details for weeks leading up to the big day, and the proposal was set to happen on June 12th, their six year dating anniversary. For the location, he chose the top of the parking deck where they shared their first kiss, which overlooks Peachtree Street in Midtown Atlanta, and I absolutely loved that Connor chose a location that was so special to them and their love story.
On the day of the proposal, I arrived at the top of the parking deck an hour before Macy and Connor were supposed to arrive, and I can’t even explain the nervous excitement that I felt while waiting for the moment to happen. Since Connor and I had gone over exactly where he would be proposing (some aerial satellite photos with markings indicating where he would stand and where I should be were exchanged between the two of us), I knew exactly where I would be positioned. I had been crouching on my hands and knees behind a wall only about two feet high for twenty minutes when I saw Macy’s car pull up to the top of the parking deck, and I creepily watched from a distance as Connor walked her to the top and pulled Macy close as they looked over Peachtree Street, and reminisced with her over their relationship. When I saw him drop to one knee, I jumped out and sobbed behind my camera as I watched one of my favorite people in the world say yes to forever with her best friend, and I feel so lucky to have gotten to capture all the sweet moments and emotions behind this proposal.
Congratulations Macy and Connor! Love you both so much!